Friday, October 10, 2008

Web Service Messaging Nirvana

Web Services and specifically SOAP has got a bad rap in recent years, believed to be yet another over-hyped remote procedure call (RPC) protocol, and not cool enough in light of more current hip approaches like REST. Some of this flak is justified and the SOAP community does itself no favours when it releases a newer version of a spec (SOAP 1.2) which goes out of its way to state that SOAP is no longer an acronym. What next? TAFKAS? (The Artist Formerly Know As SOAP)

Anyway, I digress. I blogged in the past about two main areas where SOAP can be used. As you might guess, the main area that interests me is Messaging.

Over the last few years, I've been on a quest to explore how a JavaEE architect and developer can better implement messaging based web services and service consumers in a more loosely coupled and less error prone way. My motivation has been driven by a reaction to the traditional RPC based Web Services programming model that many have used and still use today and all the problems that such a model brings.

Over time I have constructed a list of 8 key values or principles that I believe are necessary for achieving "Web Services Messaging Nirvana". In most cases, these principals are based more on architectural and development approach, than the specific technology or SOAP toolkit used. However, as always, the two can't be completely divorced from each other..

Here's my 8 key values:

  1. Promote Interface/Contract-First Development
  • “Implementation-First” leads to tight coupling between the code in the service provider and the code in the service consumer
  • "Implementation First" leads to a strong dependency on the initial SOAP toolkit used for implementation, which is then difficult to migrate off and leads to the difficulties of vendor lock-in
  1. Enable a Message-Passing Programming Model
  • RPC programming leads to lots of find grained 'chatty' services where brittle pairings exist between provider and consumer which are resistant to change
  • RPC clients tend to assume endpoints are implementations when in reality, they may just be messaging intermediaries (eg. a service bus)
  1. De-couple “Service Interface Definition” from “Message Document Definition”
  • In-lining XML type definitions inside a WSDLs prevents re-use of the message structure definitions across multiple web services and other components in the system as a whole (import external Schemas instead)
  • The message document structures may already be pre-defined in the organisation (eg. industry-wide standard schemas), so the ability to share these definitions across many web services is required‏
  1. Promote Postel’s Law: “Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in what you accept from others”
  • In other words, allow developers to create services with strongly defined interfaces, yet forgiving implementations
  • Service intermediaries and end-points may only care about using part of the message content - they should not concern themselves about trying to validate other parts of a message
  • Enable minor interface version additions without necessarily requiring an upgrade or change to the service provider or service consumer
  1. Avoid the need for manually generated static stubs and skeletons
  • These are invariably an unnecessary time-consuming addition to the development and build process
  • Interface modification always requires re-generation of stubs, skeletons and Java types, forcing service providers and consumers to need to always be corrected, re-compiled and re-deployed.
  • A requirement for Skeletons and Stubs is unlikely when generated Java types are not being used in the implementation
  1. Separate data from the code that operates on it
  • Object-oriented programming is great for service implementations but not for de-coupling disparate elements of the higher level distributed systems that are based on the principle of passing messages or events around
  • Enable message data to be passed between systems without one system caring about or pre-empting how the other system may use and operate on the message’s content
  1. Provide the developer with a choice of XML Tools to use
  • SOAP Toolkits which force messages to be marshalled into a strongly typed Java graph of objects, results in one and only one way that the programmer can operate on the data
  • If only part of a message is required or performance is key, a developer should have the option to use a SAX parser, a Streaming parser or just an XPath based Java API to query and operate on the data
  • If XQuery or XSLT offers some developers a better abstraction and quicker development process then don't prevent a developer from being able plug in this option
  • Retain the choice of being able to generate strongly types Java objects for situations where the developer needs or prefers it, but enable the developer to choose the technology (eg. JAXB, XmlBeans)‏
  1. Integrate with the host container's Security Framework for Web Services Security
  • For an application server based production environment, the server's Security Framework is already likely to be plugged into the organisation's larger security infrastructure (inc. LDAP, Kerberos, PKI and other elements) to provide full support for authentication, access control, single sign-on, identity propagation, encryption and signing. This infrastructure needs to be leveraged by the SOAP Toolkit, not ignored
  • The SOAP Toolkit needs to delegate to, or at least share its security context with, the host container, especially for its support of WS-Security and SAML

In the past, with J2EE 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 compatible application servers, these values have been very hard to achieve with the application server's built-in SOAP support (ie. JAX-RPC - oriented around the concept of RPC, skeletons, stubs, and generated Java types) or with a Third-Party SOAP Toolkit (eg Apache Axis - little integration with the container's underlying Security Framework).

As a result, on these platforms, I've struggled to be able to get anywhere near achieving my goal of hitting the 8 key values of my Web Service quest.

JavaEE 1.5 introduced the JAX-WS API which is the newer Web Services toolkit for JavaEE developers. The focus of this standard, in my opinion, is still largely based on RPC and generated Java types. However, it does offer a glimmer of hope in form of the option of using a 'dnyamic' server side API (Provider interface) and client-side API (Dispatcher interface).

To my eyes the Provider/Dispatcher facility could finally give me a chance of achieving the 8 key values in a real Web Services based solution.

Version 10.0 of WebLogic was the first version to introduce JAX-WS, but at the time lacked integration with WebLogic's Security Framework and WS-Security and SAML support, thus lessening its relevance to many solutions where securing web services was a key requirement. Many users continued to use WebLogic's JAX-RPC stack due to the need to leverage Weblogic security.

Things have now changed and the JAX-WS implementation in version 10.3 of WebLogic should address this. I hope to blog soon about my experiments with JAX-WS Providers/Dispatchers in WebLogic 10.3 and my quest to realise my 8 key values of Web Services Messaging Nirvana.

Song for today: Burn Baby by Mother Tongue

Friday, September 5, 2008

WSDL-First and Schemas: Use Global Types or Global Elements?

Often I'm faced with needing to expose a Web Service where the request and response bodies are messages, based on a well established shape that is not just the concern of the specific Web Service. The message received by the Web Service is likely to flow through other parts of the internal system 'behind' the service endpoint. The Schemas for these messages are not specific to just the Web Service WSDL but are also used by other internal components which have to deal with XML. Often these Schemas are pre-defined across an organisation or by third-parties (eg. the ARTS IXRetail schema for the Retail industry).

With these sorts of scenarios, a “WSDL first” approach is usually required for creating or generating Web Service end-points, where the WSDL identifies the shape of the service request and response bodies, but does not directly define this shape. Instead, the WSDL imports the externally held Schemas and references entities from the Schema to declare the format of the top-level nodes for a SOAP message body.

With this in mind, when designing Schemas that will be used by WSDLs and other XML components, I've been trying to work out whether top-level schema entities should be defined as Global Types or as Global Elements.

So I tried a little experiment, using a simple home-made schema to represent a Customer, including Name, Date of Birth, Addresses and Telephone Numbers. I created a SOAP Web Service which enables a Customer's personal information to be retrieved by providing the customer's name as the search criteria in the SOAP request.

First I tried using a Global Type in my Customer schema (Customer.xsd) to represent the shape of the top level request XML (CustomerSearchCrtieria) and response XML (Customer), as follows:
<schema ....>
<complexType name="CustomerSearchCriteria">
        <element name="FirstName" type="tns:FirstName"/>
        <element name="LastName" type="tns:LastName"/>

<complexType name="Customer">
        <element name="FirstName" type="tns:FirstName"/>
        <element name="LastName" type="tns:LastName"/>
        <element name="DateOfBirth" type="tns:DateOfBirth"/>
        <element name="Address" type="tns:Address" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <element name="Telephone" type="tns:TelephoneNumber" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
In the WSDL, I defined the request and response message parts to use the two Global Types from the imported schemas, as follows:
<wsdl:definitions name="CustomerInfoService" ... xmlns:cust="">
        <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="./Customer.xsd"/>
<wsdl:message name="GetCustomerInfoRequest">
    <wsdl:part name="MyCustomerSearchCriteria" type="cust:CustomerSearchCriteria"/>

<wsdl:message name="GetCustomerInfoResponse">
    <wsdl:part name="MyCustomer" type="cust:Customer"/>
Then when I fired a SOAP request into the service using my test harness, the SOAP request contained the following (notice no namespace for top level element in the body):
<soapenv:Envelope ....>
<soap:Header ..../>
    <MyCustomerSearchCriteria xmlns:cus="">
The SOAP response contained the following (notice no namespace for top level element in the body):
<soapenv:Envelope ....>
<soap:Header  ..../>
    <MyCustomer xmlns:cus="">
            <cus:Street>High Street</cus:Street>
            <cus:Town>Big Town</cus:Town>
            <cus:Postcode>BT1 1AZ</cus:Postcode>
As you can see, the resulting top level XML element inside the SOAP body for both the request and the response is NOT part of the same namespace at the rest of the message XML. This is because the top-level element has actually been defined as an element by the WSDL, rather than being defined externally in the schema itself. To me this is less than ideal because I believe most people would want the whole message to have the same namespace.

In addition I believe most people would want the top level nodes to have an element name mandated by the Schema, not by the WSDL (eg. the top level element should be forced to be 'Customer' and not 'MyCustomer').

So I then tried using a Global Element instead, in my Customer schema (Customer.xsd) to represent the shape of the top level request XML (CustomerSearchCrtieria) and response XML (Customer), as follows:
<schema ...>
<element name="CustomerSearchCriteria" type="tns:CustomerSearchCriteria"/>

<element name="Customer" type="tns:Customer"/>
In the WSDL, I defined the request and response message parts to use the two Global Elements from the schemas, as follows:
<wsdl:definitions name="CustomerInfoService" .... xmlns:cust="">
        <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="./Customer.xsd"/>

<wsdl:message name="GetCustomerInfoRequest">
    <wsdl:part element="cust:CustomerSearchCriteria" name="parameters"/>

<wsdl:message name="GetCustomerInfoResponse">
    <wsdl:part element="cust:Customer" name="parameters"/>
Then when I fired a SOAP request into the service using my test harness, the SOAP request contained the following:
<soapenv:Envelope ....>
<soap:Header ..../>
    <cus:CustomerSearchCriteria xmlns:cus="">
The SOAP response contained the following:
<soapenv:Envelope ....>
<soap:Header ..../>
    <cus:Customer xmlns:cus="">
            <cus:Street>High Street</cus:Street&
            <cus:Town>Big Town</cus:Town>
            <cus:Postcode>BT1 1AZ</cus:Postcode>
As you can now see, all of the elements in the XML message, contained within the request and response SOAP bodies, now have the same namespace and the top level element name is defined by the Schema rather than by the WSDL. This is much more desirable in my view.

In summary, when dealing with Web Services in a “WSDL-first” scenario and using externally defined schemas, I would recommend defining Global Elements in the Schema and then referencing these elements from a WSDL, rather than using Global Types. This enables the complete message to share the same namespace and enables all elements (and their names), in the message, to be completely defined and enforced by the Schema.

Note: I am not necessarily making a recommendation to use Global Elements over Global Types in all circumstances, rather, just in situations where a Schema could possibly be used directly by a SOAP Web Service description file (WSDL).in addition to other parts of a system.

Soundtrack for today: Gouge Away by Pixies

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Is a JVM's Maximum Heap Size really 1.7 GB?

Many claim that the maximum heap size for a JVM is 1.7 GB, but is this really true?

Well yes and no....

Probably yes, where in most cases the person asking the question is a developer using a Windows based PC. Invariably, the PC uses a Windows 32-bit OS on 32 bit hardware and the JVM in use is Sun's 32-but Hotspot JVM. However, start to change any of these host environment characteristics and the maximum heap size limit can vary significantly.

In many production scenarios, the characteristics of the host environment are very different from development, such as having a 64-bit OS on 64-bit hardware (eg. Solaris/SPARC). However, its often only the developers and not the system administrators that understand the subtleties of JVM memory management to any significant degree, so the whole discussion gets lost and everyone ends up assuming 1.7GB is a hard heap size limit across the board..

So here's my attempt to map out the actual maximum heap sizes a little more clearly. Hopefully the figures in the table below are pretty accurate. I've tested many of these variables, but I've not had the luxury of having an environment to test them all. So please correct me if you have evidence of discrepancies.

Max Heap Sizes Table
The table assumes that the host machine has sufficient physical RAM installed and that other OS processes aren't consuming a significant portion of the available memory. It is assumed that the 64-bit OS is Windows, Linux or Solaris, the 32-bit hardware is x86 and the 64-bit hardware is x86-64, IA-64 or SPARC. Other operating system or hardware architectures may have different subtleties.

Depending on the JVM you use, your mileage may vary. For example, JRockit is pretty good at being able to hit the maximum heap size limits listed, whereas inherent limitations in other JVMs may prevent this.

It is worth discussing the Windows /3G boot option (with PAE) a little further. Most JVMs, like Sun Hotspot 1.6, require a contiguous memory space. Using the /3G option on Windows does not guarantee a single contiguous memory space dedicated to a single process. Therefore, this option cannot be used by JVMs that cannot cope with non-contiguous memory and these JVMs thus have a maximum heap size of 1.7 GB. JRockit can handle non-contiguous memory and therefore can use the /3G option on Windows, enabling a maximum heap size of approximately 2.7 GB.

Why the difference between maximum OS process size and maximum heap size?

Well the memory used by a JVM process is not just composed of heap. It is also made up of JVM internal structures, generated code, loaded native libraries and thread stacks which are all a lot less predictable in size. As a result, the stated maximum JVM process memory size can only ever be approximate allowing some headroom for non-heap memory usage. The more native C libraries your Java application uses and the more threads your application uses, then the more the memory, outside of the heap, will be consumed. Also, some JVMs, like Sun Hotspot, store class definitions outside of the heap (eg. in a “Perm Space”), further adding to the size of a JVM process over and above the maximum heap size.

So even though the figures in the table are achievable in certain circumstances, the actual choice of JVM and the nature of the hosted Java application and its usage of non-heap based memory may mean, in practice, that you are not able to get close to achieving the indicated maximum heap size for your application.

Supporting References:


[2] (updated link following the move of the linked content from the old Dev2Dev site - 30-Jan-09)


Soundtrack for today: Radio Protector by 65daysofstatic

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Domain Health tool Vs WLDF for monitoring

[Originally posted on my old BEA Dev2Dev blog on May 8, 2008]

Note added 11-Dec-2009: The content of this blog entry is generally superseded by a newer blog entry which addresses the differences since the introduction of the WLDF harvesting capability to DomainHealth.

DomainHealth is an open source "zero-config" monitoring tool for BEA's WebLogic Application Server. It collects important server runtime statistics over time for all servers in a domain, archives this data into CSV files and provides a simple Web Browser based interface for viewing graphs of statistics, historically.

Version 0.7 has just been released and is available to download and use on WebLogic 9.x/10.x from the project's home page at:

Some people have asked why I have created the DomainHealth tool when WebLogic already provides the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF). This is a good question which I will attempt to answer below.

First of all it is worth considering that monitoring can be divided into many sub-categories, three of which are:
  1. Alerting of a potential issue which is about to occur or has just occurred (eg. not much memory left) enabling the administrator to take pro-active or remedial action
  2. Real-time statistics capture and viewing, so an administrator can instantly gauge the health of his/her applications and systems
  3. Continuous harvesting of application and system data over time to enable administrators to retrospectively analyse trends (eg. to identify potential tunings), and to diagnose the cause of fatal problems after the problem has occurred. many others like instrumenting, profiling, heartbeating.

WLDF in combination with the "WLDF Console Extension" provides the base technology to enable administrators to configure a set of WebLogic servers and environment which caters for all 3 monitoring capabilities listed above.

The philosophy of DomainHealth is "zero-config" and as such is intended for a certain type of user base for certain types of monitoring needs (ie. mainly point (3) and to a lesser extent point (2) above). For users who require more complex customisable monitoring capabilities, the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) is more likely to provide the capabilities desired. In some environments, a combination of using WLDF for (1) and DomainHealth for (2) and (3) may also be an option to consider.

Here's a list of benefits which I see for using Domain Health and for using WLDF and the WLDF Console Extension....

Domain Health (DH) benefits:
  • DH is easier to install (hot deploy of WAR to admin server) than WLDF which requires copying a JAR file to a specific path and then re-starting the admin server. The WLDF deployment process may be problematic when needing to retrospectively add monitoring capabilities to a production system which has already gone live.
  • DH in most case requires no configuration. WLDF console has some built-in views which helps shorten the number of configuration steps likely to be required, However it is unlikely that WLDF's built-in views will be sufficient on their own. By default, the WLDF Console shows data cached on the live servers. For the WLDF Console to show historic data, the administrator must first manually configure (or more likely script the configuration) of a WLDF harvester, separately, to enable historical data to then be retrieved and shown in the console.
  • For current data, WLDF Console periodically polls the cache for live data and for historic data has to contact each server's WLDF Data Accessor to retrieve data from each server's local WLDF archive files. Overall, the performance impact of this process is likely to negate some of the performance gain, from not needing to poll servers remotely to harvest their properties in the first place.
  • The CSV output of DH is more friendly to generic third-party tools than WLDF is. For offline retrieval of WLDF archived data for use in such tools, scripting will be required to integrate Jython/WLST with the third-party tools.
  • DH's web-based visual display is more lightweight than the WLDF console extension for administrators, requiring just a simple browser rather than also needing a Java browser plugin to be installed.
WLDF (inc WLDF Console) benefits:
  • WLDF is infinitely configurable allowing administrators to track the exact server statistics that they are interested in. For DH, you are stuck with what has been prescribed as a suitable set of statistics.
  • A WLDF thread runs within each managed server for property retrieval, rather than requiring remote polling from an admin server. This may lessen any potential performance impact of performing monitoring in a live environment (however this gain is at least partly lost when using the WLDF console running on the Admin Server to then view data - this requires each server to be contacted to retrieve its locally archived statistics).
  • WLDF and the WLDF console are far more powerful and extensive in terms of the overall monitoring features that they provide (eg. provides visualisation for instrumentation of running code).
It is also worth noting that DomainHealth is not a replacement for a 'fully-fledged' 'off-the-shelf' Server monitoring and management tool. Such tools are usually more capable and able to capture other statistics (eg. hardware, OS and network stats) in addition, to enable a more holistic picture of the health of a server environment to be captured. However, in cases where budget does not stretch to purchase an off-the-shelf solution for production environments or where a quick and easy tool for monitoring performance in performance test environments, is required, DomainHealth may help to fill the gap.

In summary what I would like to say is that DomainHealth is not intended as a alternative to WLDF and has been developed specifically for certain use cases for a certain subset of clients which I have dealt with over the years (and is indeed being used by some of these clients today).

Soundtrack for today: Nearly Lost You by Screaming Trees

Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Open Source WebLogic Monitoring tool

[Originally posted on my old BEA Dev2Dev blog on March 27, 2008]

DomainHealth is an open source server monitoring tool for BEA's WebLogic Application Server. It collects important server runtime statistics over time for all servers in a domain, archives this data into CSV files and provides a simple Web Browser based interface for viewing graphs of statistics.

DomainHealth is designed to have a low overhead on managed servers in terms of performance and is intended to be a 'zero config' tool *.

*(Currently in certain circumstances, some minimal configuration may be required - see the FAQ document on the project's host web site)

The statistics that DomainHealth collects, includes Core Server properties (eg. Open Sockets), JDBC Data Source properties (eg. Average Connection Delay) and JMS Destination properties (eg. Messages Current). The Web HTML based interface that DomainHealth provides, enables an administrator to view line-graphs for specific harvested server properties. The administrator can choose the window of time to view data for, which may go back hours, days, months and even years. Alternatively, an administrators can use his/her own tool of choice (eg. MS Excel, Open Office Spreadsheet) to analyse the contents of the generated CSV files (eg. to generate a graph view of some data from the CSV file loaded into a spreadsheet).

DomainHealth is deployed to the Admin Server of a WebLogic domain in the form of a J2EE Web-Application (WAR), and immediately collects properties from all servers in the domain, via a periodic polling mechanism, once a minute. All CSV files are generated and stored on the file-system of the Admin Server for subsequent viewing via the DomainHealth graphical web interface or for retrieval for offline analysis.

Domain Health is hosted on SourceForge at:
The latest version can be downloaded from the project home page. The home page also contains links to various Help Documents plus an Online Forum for users to get help and provide feedback. To install and run the DomainHealth monitor application, follow these simple steps:
  1. Deploy domainhealth-nn.war to WebLogic, targetted to the Admin Server server of the domain only
  2. Using a Web Browser, navigate to: http://adminhost:port/domainhealth
Supports WebLogic Server 9.x and 10.x.

Some people may ask why the need for this tool given the availability of WLDF in WebLogic. Personally I think these two tools are complimentary and I intend to blog on my reasons for this opinion in the near future.

Soundtrack for today: Auto Rock by Mogwai

Monday, February 25, 2008

Web Services: RPC, REST and Messaging

[Originally posted on my old BEA Dev2Dev blog on February 25, 2008]
Choosing a model for interoperable communication in the enterprise

For the implementation of Web Services in the enterprise environment, I've seen many different technologies used. Recently, in my spare moments, I've reflected on this and have come to the conclusion that all these technologies tend to fit one of three models (or hybrids of these models).

I would summarise these three models as:
  1. Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). A client-server based remotable pattern where a subset of an existing system's local functions is exposed pretty much 'as-is' over the wire to client programs.
  2. Resource-oriented Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD). A client-server based resource-oriented pattern where the server-side provides a representation of a set of resources (often hierarchical) and exposes Create, Read, Update and Delete capabilities for these resources to client programs.
  3. Messaging (eg. as commonly seen with Message Oriented Middleware and B2B). Messages or documents are passed asynchronously between peer systems in either, but not always both, directions.
Sometimes its hard to distinguish between these models and where the boundaries lie. In fact, I don't think there are boundaries, only grey areas and all three models lie in the same spectrum. I've attempted to visualise this spectrum in the diagram below.

Depending on where your implementation lies in the spectrum, the different highlighted characteristics should manifest themselves. 
In the Web Services world, we may typically implement these three models using one of the following three approaches:
  1. Remote Procedure Calls: SOAP using a synchronous RPC programming approach and, typically, generated 'skeletons/stubs' and some sort of Object-to-XML marshalling technology
  2. Resource-oriented Create-Read-Update-Delete: REST or 'RESTful Web Services' or ROA, re-using World-Wide-Web based approaches and standards like HTTP and URIs
  3. Messaging: SOAP using an asynchronous Message/Document passing approach where invariably the documents are defined by schemas and, often, the use of message-level (rather than transport-level) security elements is required
The confusing thing is the fact that SOAP can happily and naturally satisfy two of these three models (ie. both RPC and Messaging), albeit that these two models are polar opposites which causes much confusion and is probably part of the reason why SOAP gets a bad name in some quarters.

The problem is further compounded with SOAP because the SOAP specification and accompanying collateral talks about two possible 'Styles' (ie. 'RPC' style and 'Document' style). However as I explained here, just because your SOAP Web Services are marked as 'Document' style in your WSDLs, it doesn't mean you are not doing remote procedure call based programming.

When faced with the REST zealot or the WS-* zealot, we probably need to bear this spectrum in mind. For the Web Services paradigm, there is not a 'one-size fits all' and specific requirements for a given situation should dictate which position in this spectrum best lends itself to satisfying the requirements. Also, the overlap between the models may be greater than shown in the diagram. For example, some would argue that REST can happily and more appropriately be used to fulfil what would otherwise be RPC oriented problems, in addition to solving Resource-oriented CRUD style problems.

Soundtrack for today: Purity by The God Machine