Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New release of DomainHealth - 1.0

I've just released a new version of DomainHealth, that by virtue of being the next increment after 0.9, means that this is the grand 1.0 release! No great fanfare or massive new features but this should [hopefully] be a nice stable release to rely on and live up to its 1.0 billing! :D

You can download DomainHealth 1.0 from here:

One new feature in 1.0 that is worth highlighting though, is the new optional capability to collect and show Processor, Memory and Network statistics from the underlying host Operating System and Machine that WebLogic is running on. DomainHealth only enables this feature if you've also deployed another small open source JEE application that I've created, called WLHostMachineStats. Below is a screenshot of DomainHealth 1.0 in action, displaying graphs of some of these host machine statistics (in this case it's running on an Exalogic system).

(click image for larger view)
WLHostMachineStats is a small agent (a JMX MBean deployed as a WAR file) that runs in every WebLogic Server in a WebLogic domain. It is used to retrieve OS data from the underlying machine hosting each WebLogic Server instance. For more information, including deployment instructions, and to download it, go to:

Here's another screenshot, just for fun:

(click image for larger view)
Some things to bear in mind....

...the WLHostMachineStats project is still in its infancy and currently places restrictions on what specific environments are supported. Right now, WLHostMachineStats can only be used for WebLogic domains running on Linux Intel (x86) 64-bit based machines (including Exalogic) and only for versions 10.3.0 or greater of WebLogic. This is partly because WLHostMachineStats relies on the SIGAR open source utility, that uses native C libraries and JNI. I hope to widen the list of supported platforms for WLHostMachineStats in the future.

Song for today: Dynamite Steps by The Twilight Singers


  1. i managed to get wlhostmachinestats to work on solaris just by copying the solaris32 .so file (from the Sigar website) into $DOMAIN_HOME/lib, alongside sigar.jar. There are still some problems with the network monitoring, but i suspect it is because weblogic is running on a zone.

  2. This is good to know Jorg - thanks for trying it on Solaris. Are you able to collaborate with me offline to help me certify WLHostMachineStats on Solaris, and let me know the network problems you had so I can fix them? Please email me at my gmail email account - my email address is 'pkdone@XXX' replacing XXX with ''.

  3. Hi Paul,

    I am using a WorkManager to manage my Application Thread pool.
    Have dedicated 30 threads for the App. I am not able to monitor these through DomainHealth or even my own util.
    Can you tell me how to monitor user defined ExecuteQueues's (like ManagedQueue1 etc)
