Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New release of DomainHealth WebLogic monitoring tool

I've just released the latest version of DomainHealth - version 0.9.

DomainHealth is an open source "zero-config" monitoring tool for WebLogic. It collects important server metrics over time, archives these into CSV files and provides a simple web interface for viewing graphs of current and historical statistics.

(click image for larger view)
This release includes a new look and feel and a new page navigation mechanism (based on some contributions from Alain Gregoire). Other new features included are Web-App monitoring, EJB monitoring and various minor improvements and tweaks. For a full list of changes see the Release Notes document listed alongside the DomainHealth download files.

You can download DH from the project home page at

The help docs for DH are at

I'd like to say a big thank you to Alain Gregoire for his valuable design and code contributions to this version of DomainHealth.

Song for today: Lets Go For A Ride by Cracker


  1. For some reason I am not able to view help page at

  2. Hi Nitin

    I've just re-checked the URL from two different PCs and Networks and it works fine for me? Are you behind some sort of firewall or proxy which is preventing access to a subset of public web sites, like SourceForge?

